What Different Kinds of Tours Are Available in Europe?

What Different Kinds of Tours Are Available in Europe?

Going on tour in Europe is indeed fascinating and an experience which will give a meaning to every stone, river, and building you will see whilst visiting such a rich historic region. 

Travelling in Europe, is a superb chance for anyone who is an adventurer, history buff, and just plain fan of travelling, to gain a much deeper understanding of the many interesting wonders which is Europe. 

So Many Places to Go!

There are a lot of different kinds of trips in Europe, which can include river tours, walking in Greece holidays, train and bus journeys, food and wine excursions, and even spooky ghost tours!

Walk around the atmospheric countryside of Britain, France, Greece and Spain, to places that the average tourist will never ever go. From the highlands of Scotland, to the flat plains of East Anglia, and all the way to the outskirts of Barcelona to the Peloponnese, all can be delightfully experienced and unforgettably marvelled at on foot, bicycle, on four wheels or train. 

Seeing it By Boat

Before the advent of train lines and motorways which now crisscross the continent, rivers and canals were the major source of where much culture and commerce was situated. 

  • Carried out via boat or a wonderful cruise ship, river tours are now a favoured method of visiting many different cities and countries. 

If you do enjoy being aboard a boat, a very popular kind of European river tour happens during the holiday season, when deluxe river cruisers take travellers to the renowned old Christmas markets that line the banks of the Danube river. 

Nowhere Else Can Match it

A number of top travel professionals have stated that the heady romance and memorable adventure of the many train tours in Europe are impossible to be matched by any other kind of similar travelling experience worldwide. 

The vast and extensive European railway system allows for what would seem like almost eternal sightseeing! 

Food, Glorious Food! (And Wine!)

If you are a fan of pasta, you will delight in a choice of Italian tour options, where tours can provide great cooking lessons with the local masters, staying in a 17th century villa, and also guided walking tour to local farmer’s markets. France’s famous wine making tradition can also be seen up close and truly appreciated. 

  • There are various tours in places such as Champagne or Bordeaux where wine tasting can be enjoyed (Warning! You may stay a day or two longer!).

This is combined together with superb accommodation, transportation to the many vineyards, (with a tour guide) and the very best in French cuisine being enjoyed also.

Something for Everybody

With such a wide range of rich and dramatic histories, the great and famous cities of wonderful Europe are the home of so many interesting and unusual tours. 

There are a lot of castles throughout Europe (many which are still inhabited) that provide walking tours around the castle itself and the surrounding countryside.

Whatever you wish to do once in a lifetime, make sure to spend some time exploring amazing Europe.

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